What Is Nutmeg and Where We Can Use

Spice from Myristica fragrans

Biji Pala Bubuk.jpg
Type Seed or basis spice
  • Media: Nutmeg

Nutmeg is the seed or ground spice of several species of the genus Myristica.[1] Myristica fragrans (fragrant nutmeg or true nutmeg) is a dark-leaved evergreen tree cultivated for ii spices derived from its fruit: nutmeg, from its seed, and mace, from the seed roofing. It is too a commercial source of an essential oil and nutmeg butter. The California nutmeg, Torreya californica, has a seed of similar appearance, but is not closely related to Myristica fragrans, and is not used as a spice. Republic of indonesia is the main producer of nutmeg and mace.

If consumed in amounts exceeding its typical use as a spice, nutmeg pulverisation may produce allergic reactions, cause contact dermatitis, or have psychoactive effects.[two] Although used in traditional medicine for treating various disorders, nutmeg has no scientifically confirmed medicinal value.[2]

Common nutmeg [edit]

Nutmeg is the spice made by grinding the seed of the fragrant nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) tree into pulverization. The spice has a distinctive pungent fragrance and a warm, slightly sweet taste; it is used to season many kinds of baked appurtenances, confections, puddings, potatoes, meats, sausages, sauces, vegetables, and such beverages equally eggnog.[3]

The seeds are dried gradually in the sun over a period of half-dozen to 8 weeks. During this time the nutmeg shrinks abroad from its difficult seed glaze until the kernels rattle in their shells when shaken. The shell is then broken with a wooden club and the nutmegs are picked out. Dried nutmegs are grayish brownish ovals with furrowed surfaces.[3] The nutmegs are roughly egg-shaped, nigh 20.five–30 mm (0.81–1.18 in) long and 15–eighteen mm (0.59–0.71 in) broad, weighing 5–ten chiliad (0.18–0.35 oz) dried.

Two other species of genus Myristica with different flavors, M. malabarica and M. argentea, are sometimes used to adulterate nutmeg every bit a spice.[4]

Mace [edit]

Mace is the spice made from the reddish seed covering (aril) of the nutmeg seed. Its flavour is like to nutmeg but more than delicate; it is used to flavour baked goods, meat, fish, and vegetables, and in preserving and pickling.[5]

In the processing of mace, the crimson-colored aril is removed from the nutmeg seed that it envelops and is flattened out and dried for 10 to 14 days. Its color changes to pale yellow, orange, or tan. Whole dry mace consists of flat pieces—smoothen, horn-similar, and brittle—about 40 mm (ane+ 12  in) long.[half dozen]

Phytology and cultivation [edit]

Nutmeg tree (Myristica fragrans)

The most important commercial species is the common, true or fragrant nutmeg, Myristica fragrans (Myristicaceae), native to the Moluccas (or Spice Islands) of Indonesia.[7] [8] It is also cultivated on Penang Island in Malaysia, in the Caribbean area, particularly in Grenada, and in Kerala, a country formerly known as Malabar in ancient writings as the hub of spice trading, in southern India. In the 17th-century piece of work Hortus Botanicus Malabaricus, Hendrik van Rheede records that Indians learned the usage of nutmeg from the Indonesians through aboriginal trade routes.

Nutmeg trees are dioecious plants which are propagated sexually (seeds) and asexually (cuttings or grafting). Sexual propagation yields 50% male seedlings, which are unproductive. As in that location is no reliable method of determining found sexual activity before flowering in the sixth to eighth year, and sexual reproduction bears inconsistent yields, grafting is the preferred method of propagation. Epicotyl grafting (a variation of cleft grafting using seedlings), arroyo grafting, and patch budding accept proved successful, with epicotyl grafting being the virtually widely adopted standard. Air layering is an alternative though not preferred method because of its depression (35–40%) success charge per unit.

The first harvest of nutmeg trees takes place seven to nine years after planting, and the copse reach total production after twenty years.

Culinary uses [edit]

Indonesian manisan pala (nutmeg sweets)

Spice [edit]

Nutmeg and mace have similar sensory qualities, with nutmeg having a slightly sweeter and mace a more delicate flavour. Mace is oftentimes preferred in light dishes for the bright orange, saffron-like hue it imparts. Nutmeg is used for flavouring many dishes. Whole nutmeg can also exist ground at dwelling using a grater specifically designed for nutmeg[9] or a multi-purpose grating tool.[10]

In Indonesian cuisine, nutmeg is used in diverse dishes,[11] mainly in many spicy soups, such as some variant of soto, konro, oxtail soup, sup iga (ribs soup), bakso and sup kambing. It is also used in gravy for meat dishes, such as semur beefiness stew, ribs with tomato, and European derived dishes such as bistik (beef steak), rolade (minced meat roll) and bistik lidah (beefiness tongue steak).

In Indian cuisine, nutmeg is used in many sweet, besides equally savoury, dishes. In Kerala Malabar region, grated nutmeg is used in meat preparations and also sparingly added to desserts for the flavour. It may as well exist used in modest quantities in garam masala. Ground nutmeg is also smoked in India.[12]

In traditional European cuisine, nutmeg and mace are used especially in potato and spinach dishes and in candy meat products; they are also used in soups, sauces, and baked goods. It is also commonly used in rice pudding. In Dutch cuisine, nutmeg is added to vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and string beans. Nutmeg is a traditional ingredient in mulled cider, mulled wine, junket and eggnog. In Scotland, mace and nutmeg are usually both ingredients in haggis. In Italian cuisine, nutmeg is used every bit office of the stuffing for many regional meat-filled dumplings like tortellini, as well every bit for the traditional meatloaf. Nutmeg is a common spice for pumpkin pie and in recipes for other wintertime squashes, such every bit baked acorn squash. In the Caribbean area, nutmeg is often used in drinks, such as the Bushwacker, Painkiller, and Barbados rum punch. Typically, it is a sprinkle on elevation of the drink.

Fruit [edit]

The pericarp (fruit covering) is used to make jam, or is finely sliced, cooked with sugar, and crystallised to make a fragrant candy. Sliced nutmeg fruit flesh is made as manisan (sweets), either wet, which is seasoned in sugary syrup liquid, or dry coated with saccharide, a dessert chosen manisan pala in Indonesia. In Penang cuisine, dried, shredded nutmeg rind with sugar coating is used as toppings on the uniquely Penang ais kacang. Nutmeg rind is also blended (creating a fresh, greenish, tangy sense of taste and white color juice) or boiled (resulting in a much sweeter and brown juice) to make iced nutmeg juice. In Kerala Malabar region of India, it is used for juice, pickles and chutney.[12]

Essential oil [edit]

The essential oil obtained by steam distillation of ground nutmeg[13] is used in the perfumery and pharmaceutical industries. The volatile fraction contains dozens of terpenes and phenylpropanoids, including D -pinene, limonene, D -borneol, L -terpineol, geraniol, safrol, and myristicin.[13] [14] [15] In its pure course, myristicin is a toxin, and consumption of excessive amounts of nutmeg tin can event in myristicin poisoning.[16]

The oil is colorless or light yellow, and smells and tastes of nutmeg. Information technology is used every bit a natural nutrient flavoring in baked goods, syrups, beverages, and sweets. It is used to supervene upon ground nutmeg, as it leaves no particles in the nutrient. The essential oil is likewise used in the manufacturing of toothpaste and cough syrups.[17]

Nutmeg butter [edit]

Nutmeg butter is obtained from the nut by expression. It is semisolid, reddish-dark-brown in colour, and has the gustation and smell of nutmeg itself.[13] About 75% (by weight) of nutmeg butter is trimyristin, which can be turned into myristic acrid, a 14-carbon fatty acid, which can be used as a replacement for cocoa butter, can exist mixed with other fats like cottonseed oil or palm oil, and has applications every bit an industrial lubricant.

History [edit]

The earliest bear witness of nutmeg usage comes in the class of 3,500 year old potsherd residues from the isle of Pulau Ai, one of the Banda Islands in eastern Indonesia.[eighteen] The Banda Islands consist of eleven minor volcanic islands, and are role of the larger Maluku Islands group. These islands were the only source of nutmeg and mace production until the mid-19th century.[ citation needed ]

In the 6th century Advert, nutmeg spread to India, then further west to Constantinople.[19] By the 13th century, Arab traders had pinpointed the origin of nutmeg to the Indonesian islands, but kept this location a clandestine from European traders.[xix]

Colonial era [edit]

The Banda Islands became the scene of the primeval European ventures in Asia, in guild to go a grip on the spice trade. In August 1511, Afonso de Albuquerque conquered Malacca, which at the time was the hub of Asian merchandise, on behalf of the king of Portugal. In November of the same year, after having secured Malacca and learning of Banda'due south location, Albuquerque sent an expedition of three ships led past his friend António de Abreu to find it. Malay pilots, either recruited or forcibly conscripted, guided them via Coffee, the Lesser Sundas, and Ambon to the Banda Islands, arriving in early 1512. The kickoff Europeans to reach the Banda Islands, the expedition remained for nigh a month, buying and filling their ships with Banda'due south nutmeg and mace, and with cloves in which Banda had a thriving entrepôt trade. An early account of Banda is in Suma Oriental, a volume written by the Portuguese apothecary Tomé Pires, based in Malacca from 1512 to 1515. Full control of this trade past the Portuguese was not possible, and they remained participants without a foothold in the islands.

In order to obtain a monopoly on the production and trade of nutmeg, the Dutch Eastward Bharat Company (VOC) waged a encarmine battle with the Bandanese in 1621. Historian Willard Hanna estimated that before this struggle the islands were populated by approximately fifteen,000 people, and only 1,000 were left (the Bandanese were killed, starved while fleeing, exiled or sold as slaves).[20] The Company constructed a comprehensive nutmeg plantation organisation on the islands during the 17th century.

As a result of the Dutch interregnum during the Napoleonic Wars, the British invaded and temporarily took control of the Banda Islands from the Dutch and transplanted nutmeg trees, consummate with soil, to Sri Lanka, Penang, Bencoolen, and Singapore.[21] From these locations they were transplanted to their other colonial holdings elsewhere, notably Zanzibar and Grenada. The national flag of Grenada, adopted in 1974, shows a stylised divide-open nutmeg fruit. The Dutch retained command of the Spice Islands until World War Two.

It has been suggested that Connecticut received its nickname ("the Nutmeg State", "Nutmegger") from the claim that some unscrupulous Connecticut traders would whittle "nutmeg" out of woods, creating a "wooden nutmeg", a term which after came to mean any type of fraud.[22] [23] This narrative may take to do with the result that one has to grate to obtain the spice powder, not crack a nutmeg, and this may not have been widely known by some purchasers of the product.[22]

Product [edit]

In 2019, global production of nutmeg was 142,000 tonnes, led by Republic of indonesia, Guatemala, and India, having 38,000 to 43,000 tonnes each and a combined 85% of the world total.[24]

Psychoactivity and toxicity [edit]

Although used equally a folk treatment for other ailments, nutmeg has no proven medicinal value.[two]

Effects [edit]

Ingested in small amounts equally a spice, nutmeg produces no noticeable physiological or neurological response, merely in large doses, both raw nutmeg freshly basis from kernels and nutmeg oil have psychoactive furnishings,[2] [25] [xvi] which appear to derive from anticholinergic-like hallucinogenic mechanisms attributed to myristicin and elemicin.[16] [26] Myristicin—a monoamine oxidase inhibitor and psychoactive substance[2] [16]—can cause convulsions, palpitations, nausea, eventual dehydration, and generalized body pain when consumed in big amounts.[2] [25] Nutmeg usage may increment endocannabinoids similar anandamide and 2-AG levels or delay their breakdown by inhibiting FAAH and MAGL.[27] [28] Nutmeg may interact with anxiolytic drugs, produce allergic reactions, crusade contact dermatitis, and evoke acute episodes of psychosis.[2]

Varying considerably from person to person, nutmeg intoxication may occur with side furnishings, such every bit delirium, feet, confusion, headaches, nausea, dizziness, dry rima oris, eye irritation, and amnesia.[2] [xvi] Intoxication takes several hours to attain maximum outcome,[2] and effects may concluding for several days.[16] [25] Rarely, nutmeg overdose causes decease, especially if the nutmeg is combined with other drugs.[16] Incidents of fatal poisoning from nutmeg and myristicin individually are uncommon.[2]

Nutmeg poisonings occur past accidental consumption in children and by intentional recreational use.[sixteen] Relatively big doses of nutmeg are required to produce effects, therefore a majority of reported nutmeg intoxication cases appear to exist the upshot of recreational use.[29] Information technology is used recreationally with the intention of achieving a low-cost loftier resembling psychedelics, specially by adolescents, drug users, college students, and prisoners.[30]

Toxicity during pregnancy [edit]

Nutmeg was once considered an abortifacient, but may exist safe during pregnancy if used only in flavoring amounts.[two] If consumed in big amounts, nutmeg could cause premature labor and miscarriage. Nutmeg may also collaborate with pain-relievers such as pethidine, and so it is recommended that information technology exist avoided during pregnancy.[31]

Toxicity to pets [edit]

The odour of nutmeg may attract pets, simply it tin can be poisonous to them if they swallow too much.[32]

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Nutmeg and derivatives (Review)". Nutrient and Agronomics Organization (FAO) of the Un. September 1994. Archived from the original on 30 October 2018. Retrieved 29 October 2018.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k "Nutmeg". Drugs.com. 2009. Retrieved 2017-05-04 .
  3. ^ a b "Nutmeg spice". Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
  4. ^ "Nutmeg". world wide web.clovegarden.com . Retrieved 2017-07-22 .
  5. ^ Small, Ernest (2011). Peak 100 Exotic Nutrient Plants. CRC Press. p. 420. ISBN978-1439856864 . Retrieved 2019-08-27 .
  6. ^ "Mace spice". Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
  7. ^ Amitav Ghosh (December 30, 2016). "What Nutmeg Tin can Tell Usa Virtually Nafta". New York Times.
  8. ^ Dotschkal, Janna (2015-06-22). "The Spice Merchandise's Forgotten Isle". National Geographic . Retrieved 2017-04-thirteen .
  9. ^ Oulton, Randal (eighteen February 2007). "Nutmeg Graters". CooksInfo.com. Retrieved 8 April 2018.
  10. ^ Barber, Casey (18 February 2007). "Practise you really demand a Microplane for your kitchen? Yep, and here's why". today.com. Retrieved 8 November 2019.
  11. ^ Arthur 50. Meyer; Jon M. Vann (2008). The Appetizer Atlas: A World of Small Bites. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. p. 196. ISBN978-0-544-17738-three.
  12. ^ a b Pat Chapman (2007). India Nutrient and Cooking: The Ultimate Book on Indian Cuisine. New Holland Publishers. p. sixteen. ISBN978-ane-84537-619-2.
  13. ^ a b c "Clarification of components of nutmeg". Food and Agriculture Organization of the United nations. September 1994. Retrieved 2017-04-13 .
  14. ^ Abourashed, E. A.; El-Alfy, A. T. (2016). "Chemical multifariousness and pharmacological significance of the secondary metabolites of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt.)". Phytochemistry Reviews. 15 (six): 1035–1056. doi:ten.1007/s11101-016-9469-10. PMC5222521. PMID 28082856.
  15. ^ Piras, A.; Rosa, A.; Marongiu, B.; Atzeri, A.; Dessì, M. A.; Falconieri, D.; Porcedda, S. (2012). "Extraction and separation of volatile and stock-still oils from seeds of Myristica fragrans by supercritical CO2: Chemical limerick and cytotoxic action on Caco-ii cancer cells". Journal of Food Science. 77 (four): C448–53. doi:10.1111/j.1750-3841.2012.02618.x. PMID 22429024.
  16. ^ a b c d e f g h Ehrenpreis, J. East.; Deslauriers, C; Lank, P; Armstrong, P. Thousand.; Leikin, J. B. (2014). "Nutmeg Poisonings: A Retrospective Review of x Years Feel from the Illinois Poison Centre, 2001–2011". Journal of Medical Toxicology. 10 (2): 148–151. doi:ten.1007/s13181-013-0379-7. PMC4057546. PMID 24452991.
  17. ^ Crask, Paul (2017-11-05). Grenada: Carriacou and Petite Martinique. Bradt Travel Guides. ISBN9781784770624.
  18. ^ Peter Lape; Emily Peterson; Daud Tanudirjo; Chung-Ching Shiung; Gyoung-Ah Lee; Judith Field; Adelle Coster (2018). "New Information from an Open Neolithic Site in Eastern Republic of indonesia". Asian Perspectives. 57 (2): 222–243. doi:x.1353/asi.2018.0015. hdl:10125/72091. S2CID 165484454.
  19. ^ a b Pickersgill, Barbara (2005). Prance, Ghillean; Nesbitt, Marking (eds.). The Cultural History of Plants. Routledge. p. 166. ISBN0415927463.
  20. ^ Hanna, Willard (1991). Indonesian Banda: Colonialism and Its Aftermath in the Nutmeg Islands. Moluccas, East Republic of indonesia: Yayasan Warisan dan Budaya Banda Neira.
  21. ^ Giles Milton, Nathaniel'south Nutmeg, 1999, London: Hodder and Stoughton, ISBN 0-340-69675-iii
  22. ^ a b Rebecca Furer (12 Baronial 2011). "What is a Nutmegger?". Connecticut Public Radio. Retrieved 29 October 2018.
  23. ^ "Nicknames for Connecticut". Connecticut Land Library. 2018. Retrieved 29 October 2018.
  24. ^ "World product of nutmeg, mace and cardamoms in 2019; Crops/Regions/World/Production Quantity from choice lists". Food and Agronomics Organisation of the United nations, Statistics Division (FAOSTAT). 2019. Retrieved 12 Feb 2021.
  25. ^ a b c Demetriades, A. M.; Wallman, P. D.; McGuiness, A.; Gavalas, M. C. (2005). "Low Cost, High Risk: Accidental Nutmeg Intoxication". Emergency Medicine Journal. 22 (3): 223–225. doi:ten.1136/emj.2002.004168. PMC1726685. PMID 15735280.
  26. ^ McKenna, A.; Nordt, South. P.; Ryan, J. (2004). "Acute Nutmeg Poisoning". European Journal of Emergency Medicine. 11 (4): 240–241. doi:10.1097/01.mej.0000127649.69328.a5. PMID 15249817. S2CID 21133983.
  27. ^ El-Alfy AT, Joseph Due south, Brahmbhatt A, Akati S, Abourashed EA (Dec 2016). "Indirect modulation of the endocannabinoid system past specific fractions of nutmeg total extract". Pharmaceutical Biology. 54 (12): 2933–2938. doi:ten.1080/13880209.2016.1194864. PMID 27296774.
  28. ^ "Chemicals in Nutmeg Heave Anandamide".
  29. ^ Forrester MB (Nov 2005). "Nutmeg intoxication in Texas, 1998-2004". Human & Experimental Toxicology. 24 (11): 563–6. doi:10.1191/0960327105ht567oa. PMID 16323572. S2CID 6839715.
  30. ^ Rahman NA, Fazilah A, Effarizah ME (2015). "Toxicity of Nutmeg (Myristicin): A Review". International Journal on Avant-garde Science, Engineering and Data Technology. 5 (3): 212. doi:ten.18517/ijaseit.5.three.518.
  31. ^ "Herb and drug prophylactic chart". BabyCentre UK. 2018. Retrieved 29 October 2018.
  32. ^ Charlotte Flintstone (2018). "Nutmeg Toxicity". Pet Poison Helpline. Retrieved 29 October 2018.


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutmeg

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