Funny Running for Your Life Comments and Images

Love running? Here are some funny and motivational running quotes to keep you going.

When I first started running, the internet provided me with a wealth of hilarious running memes and inspirational running quotes.

I don't know what it is about memes and quotes, but they are a bit of fun when you need that little pick me up after a particularly grueling run or if you're lacking motivation.

Everyone loves a good quote, so inspired by a recent article by Women's Running, I thought I'd create a list of my favourite funny and motivational running quotes.

Related: 45 thoughts every runner has while out for a run

funny and motivational running quotes

Tips to keep running fun

When you don't enjoy running, or if you are struggling to find the enjoyment, then it's a sign you need to revisit your relationship with running.

After all, in order to be motivated to do something, you have to enjoy it, right?!

There are many ways to keep running fun, you just need to be creative! Here are a few simple tips:

  • Experiment with different types of runs and workouts. It's always a good idea to switch up your training routine once in a while. Workouts like interval training, tempo running and strides are all great ways to change it up and fight the boredom.
  • Run with a friend. If you get bored easily on your runs, or if you're missing some companionship, then why not run with a friend or family member. Not only is this a great way to become accountable for your runs, it makes the run fly by in no time.
  • Go run exploring. Running is a great way to explore the great outdoors. Instead of sticking to your normal route, why not try a different route and go 'run exploring'. If you live in a city, running is a great way to explore hidden gems. If you live in the countryside, running allows you to explore landscapes and beauty spots that you can't get to by car.
  • Listen to your favourite podcast or audiobook. Many runners enjoy listening to a podcast or audiobook on their run. Not only does it provide some entertainment, but it makes the run go quicker and you may learn something on the way.
  • Try active travel. You may have heard of the term 'run commuting'. Essentially, instead of driving or using public transport to reach your destination, run instead! Of course, this requires a bit of forward planning, but it's a great way to get your weekly miles in.
  • Sign up for a race or event. Sometimes when you're struggling with motivation, the only thing you need is a event to reignite your running mojo. There are so many running races, events and challenges out there nowadays – all catering for different tastes and interests.
funny and motivational running quotes

Tips to maintain running motivation

Running motivation is a funny thing and it's so unique to each individual runner. Ask yourself: what makes you want to go for a run?

Whether it be running to get fit, get outdoors more or to lose weight, running motivation is different for every runner.

Here are some tips to maintain running motivation:

  • Schedule your run like an appointment. If you struggle to find the time to run, this will affect your motivation. Schedule your run like an appointment if you have a busy schedule and stick to it.
  • Join a running group. A running group is a fantastic way to get some motivation and accountability for your runs. You may even make some new friends in the process!
  • Run Parkrun. Parkrun is a free, weekly 5k event that takes place every Saturday morning in countries across the world. It offers a fun and simple way to run.
  • Plan a new and exciting route. If you're bored of the same route, then switch it up and find a route that excites you. I like to plan a run that ends at my favourite coffee shop. There's nothing better than a steaming cup of coffee at the end of a run.
  • Take a run selfie. Sharing your runs on social media is a great way to motivate yourself to go for a run and keep running. The running community on Instagram is incredibly supportive and welcoming.
  • Track your run. With tracking apps like Strava and MapMyRun, it has never been easier to track your run and share it online. If you like the idea of sharing your progress and seeing it improve week by week, then sign up today.
  • Reward yourself. One of the best ways to motivate yourself to go for a run is to create a reward system. For example, every time you go for a run, allow yourself a treat after the run. Whether it be a hot shower, a delicious muffin or a shopping spree – it's up to you!

Related: How to motivate yourself to go for a run

funny and motivational running quotes

21 funny and motivational running quotes

  1. "I've got 99 problems but I'm going for a run to ignore them all for an hour"
funny and motivational running quotes

2. "It's not the distance you must conquer in running, it's yourself"

funny and motivational running quotes

3. "I don't run to add days to my life, I run to add life to my days"

funny and motivational running quotes

4. "Running reminds me that even in your weakest moments, you are strong"

funny and motivational running quotes

5. "If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you"

funny and motivational running quotes
funny and motivational running quotes

6. "Life is short. Running makes it longer"

funny and motivational running quotes

7. "The body achieves what the mind believes"

funny and motivational running quotes

8. "It doesn't matter how slowly you go, as long as you don't stop"

funny and motivational running quotes

9. "Let your legs do the running, your mind do the pacing, and your heart do the pushing"

funny and motivational running quotes

10. "A good laugh and a long a run are the two best cures for anything"

funny and motivational running quotes
funny and motivational running quotes

11. "Running has taught me that I am capable of so much more than I ever imagined"

funny and motivational running quotes

12. "One run can change your day, many runs can change your life"

funny and motivational running quotes

13. "Running. Cheaper than therapy"

funny and motivational running quotes

14. "You only ever grow as a human being if you're out of your comfort zone"

funny and motivational running quotes

15. "A 12 minute mile is just as far as a 6 minute mile"

funny and motivational running quotes

16. "Remember, that feeling you get from a run is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around wishing you were running"

funny and motivational running quotes

17. "I run because it's good for me. Also because I like to eat. And drink a lot"

funny and motivational running quotes
funny and motivational running quotes

18. "You don't stop running because you get old, you get old because you stop running"

funny and motivational running quotes

19. "That awkward moment when you're wearing Nike and you just can't do it"

funny and motivational running quotes

20. "Hills are great. Said no runner ever!"

funny and motivational running quotes

21. "Log off. Shut down. Go run"

funny and motivational running quotes

More running tips:

  • 101 funny and motivational race day sign ideas
  • 10 funny running memes to brighten your day
  • 10 funny running quotes and sayings all runners can relate to
  • How to keep running fun


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